
Waves Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain: Mastering Chain Plugin

Original price was: $41.27.Current price is: $33.02.

SKU: GFB435433 Category:


From the 70s to today from Pink Floyd to Ed Sheeran the EMI TG12410 Transfer Console has defined the Abbey Road Studios sound. At long last Waves has modeled this magical mastering chain down to the very last detail and added modern touches designed with Abbey Road Studios. With modular Input Tone Compression/Limiting Filter/EQ and Output/Stereo Spread sectionsnow you can give Abbey Roads distinctive sonic flavoring and control to your masters buses groups and even individual tracks.

Magical Mystery Mastering

From Pink Floyds The Dark Side of the Moon to Radioheads OK Computer and beyondyou know it when you hear it: gear with that special something that has proven itself over decades in the hands of top engineers recording the worlds best-selling musicians. Theres nothing like the TG desk.

Timeless Tone

4 bands of EQ each have 5 carefully curated frequencies chosen for maximum musical impact and usefulness. For each band choose low shelf high shelf or three bell shapes: wide medium or narrow.

Limiting without Limits

In addition to the original Zener diode-based compressor and limiter functions TG Mastering Chain also includes a modern VCA-style compressor designed jointly by Waves and Abbey Road in the spirit of the TG.

First-Class Filters

The Filter module supplements the Tone module with 3 gentle tone-shaping filters: High Pass (4 frequencies) Low Pass (5 frequencies) and Presence (8 frequencies with medium bell).

Extensive Input Options

At the input change balance swap channels apply historic tape EQs flip phase or change one channels phase relative to the other by 90 degreesa simple quick fix for stereo tracks with phase correlation issues.

Re-Order Your Chain: Complete Control

Re-order all modules except input and output. EQ Filters before or after the Compressor/Limiter Tone before or after EQyou choose. Collapse a module to see fewer controls and link them or expand to adjust Left and Right (or Mid and Sides) separately. Re-linking maintains any control offsets.

Keep Everything in Phase: Added Linear Phase Sidechains

Another modern feature enhances the original compressor/limiter with 3 bands of linear-phase sidechain filters. Linear-phase operation preserves the TGs natural sound and the dynamics attack/release characteristics.

The Final Touch: Optimum Output

Widen (or narrow) your masters stereo image with the stereo spread enhancer precision-modeled on the spreader from Abbey Roads original EMI TG12416 unit. Plus monitor well pretty much anything: left right stereo summed to mono mid and sides.

Meter Your Masters with the TG Meter Bridge

The bonus TG Meter Bridge (a separate plugin) offers a new approach to metering. Open one Meter Bridge component on any channel and get access (via drop-down) to all Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain instances in the session. Get a clear reading of VU PPM Phase and Peak at a glance and stay focused on the music.

170 Presets by Grammy-Winning Engineers

Launch your process with excellent starting points: 170 presets by top mixing and mastering engineers like Jacquire King Joe Barresi Piper Payne Dave Pensado Greg Wells Lu Diaz Drew Lavyne and many more.


  • Includes all 5 modules of the original TG12410 mastering desk
  • Re-order the Tone Limiter and Filter modules for custom chains
  • 170 presets from superstar mix engineers
  • Each module is expandable for extra control
  • Includes the Abbey Road TG Meter Bridge plugin
  • Live component optimized for live sound: ultra-low latency low CPU
  • Designed in close collaboration with Abbey Road Studios
  • Extreme flexibilityfrom vintage warmth to cinematic clarity
  • Two limiting flavors: aggressive Original and pristine Modern
  • Process in stereo dual mono or mid-sides
  • Monitor your mixes and masters in Mono Stereo L R M/S
  • 48 dB/Oct linear phase sidechain filters added


Platform CPU RAM Disk Notes Additional Requirement Audio Card Ports Internet Required 32 Bit Support 64 Bit Support Plugins
mac Intel or Silicon Architecture 8 16 Minimum: 1024x768Recommended: 1280×1024 / 1600x1024USB displays are not supported as the primary display. 0 0 0
windows X64 compatible Intel or AMD CPU 8 16 Minimum: 1024x768Recommended: 1280×1024 / 1600×1024 0 0 0


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