Speaker Crossover 3-Way 8 Ohm 800/5,000 Hz 100W
3-way crossover for speaker designed to handle 100 watts RMS program power. Crossover frequencies of 800 Hz and 5,000 Hz with 12 dB per octave roll-off into an 8 ohm load. Dimensions: 4-3/4″ W x 4″ D x 1-1/8″ H. Connection instructions (with crossover aligned as pictured): Top left is input positive (+), bottom left is input negative (-), bottom right is midrange positive (+), centered on the right are three output negative (-) connections, above the output negative connections is the woofer positive (+), top right is the tweeter positive (+).
Speaker Crossover Features:
- Designed to handle 100 watts RMS program power
- Frequencies of 800 Hz and 5,000 Hz with 12 dB per octave roll-off into an 8 ohm load.
Made in India
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