Markbass Little Mark Vintage Bass Amplifier Head Overview:
TheLITTLE MARK VINTAGEis the result ofyears of experienceand it was designed to really let everybody find hisown tone, no matter theneedsorpersonal taste, offering lots ofsound optionsand features really satisfying all bass players searching for bothmodern tonesorold schoolones.
This one is part of theGold Series, astate of the artlineup offeringsuperior quality, recognizable by its catchingnew lookmarking anew eraatMarkbass, starting fromgold plated circuits, to thehighly selected components, to some of themost requested features!
Key Points
Tube Preamp
TheLittle Mark Vintagefeatures aTube Preamp, to getrichandwarm tonefull ofharmonics.
Limiter Control
This control offers amodern reactionwhen you set it all the way up, or put it down to zero to create thatold generationbehavior with its typical distortion you get when the Limiter effect is really low, and of course you can also geteverything in between.
New EQ setting /3-WAY Switch
The4 Bands EQof theLittle Mark Vintagehave anew settingon frequencies center, all tuned to offer a prettybalanced tonethat easilycuts in the mix,plus a3-WAY switchwith three useful EQ preset options to get very quickly a realFLATsetting, aCUTone with scooped Mids and enhanced Low and High and anOLDone with scooped High to get an old vintage style tone.
Real DI box
TheBALANCED DI OUTwithtransformeris optimized to givepure,full,rich,linearsound on all frequencies. Although Little Mark amp heads already feature high-quality DI circuitry, the transformerupgrades the DI performance offering areal DI boxinside the head,handling extreme transientswithout introducing any distortion or coloration.
Gold Line Top Features
As it happens in theGold Lineseries, the Little Mark Vintage featuresgold plated circuitsandtop quality selected components, providing thepurestandcleanest soundyou can imagine.
Muteand ON/OFF EQ
FootswitchableMUTEis one of themost requested featuresin order to tune or switch an instrument in a silent way.The optional Dual Footswitch also allows to turn ON/OFF the EQ section.
The Little Mark Vintage features the samecompact SIZEand light WEIGHT of all the Little Mark family heads.
MPT – Mark Proprietary Technology
About all the bass amps on the market use the same power amp from different manufacturers, which are not specificically designed for bass. At Markbass,Marco De Virgiliisinvested a lot on R&D to create aproprietary power amp technology, specifically designed torespectandglorifythe tone of your instrument
- INPUT:impedance 500 Kohm, max. voltage 9 Vpp
- EFFECT RETURN:impedance 33 Kohm, max. voltage 10 Vpp
- GAIN:-46 dB to +23 dB range
- LIMITER(from 0 to MAX)
- GROUND LIFT(switch on rear panel)
- PRE/POST EQ(switch on rear panel)
- LOW:center frequency: 68 Hz; level: 16 dB
- LOW MID:center frequency: 400 Hz, level: 16 dB
- HIGH MID:center frequency: 2200 Hz, level: 16 dB
- HIGH:center frequency: 10 KHz, level: 16 dB
- LINE OUT / DI:balanced XLR, 600 Ohm transformer output – Maximum Voltage 12 Vpp
- EFFECT SEND:unbalanced, max. voltage 20 Vpp (pre-EQ)
- TUNER OUT:unbalanced, max. voltage 2 Vpp
- SPEAKER OUT:speakon combo, 1/4″
- WEIGHT:5.51 lbs / 2.5 Kg
- WIDTH:10.87 in. / 27.6 cm
- DEPTH:9.84 in. / 25 cm
- HEIGHT:3.27 in. / 8.3 cm
- OUTPUT POWER:500W RMS @ 4 ohms / 300W RMS @ 8 ohms
- POWER REQUIREMENT:100/120V; 230V; 240V – 50/60Hz(Voltage is factory preset according to region of sale)
Made in Italy
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