
Apogee Bundle Pultec

Original price was: $308.57.Current price is: $92.57.

SKU: GFB440904 Category:


In our obsessive quest to reproduce every nuance of the Pultec Equalizers we had a worthy partner Steve Jackson of Pulse Techniques the current manufacturer of new Pultec hardware. After careful analysis of several vintage and new Pultec EQP-1A and MEQ-5 units Apogee chose to model our plugins after Steves new units.

Pultec EQP-1A

In our obsessive quest to reproduce every nuance of the Pultec Program Equalizer we had a worthy partner Steve Jackson of Pulse Techniques the current manufacturer of new Pultec hardware. After careful analysis of several vintage and new Pultec EQP-1A units Apogee chose to model our plugin after one of Steves new units it was like unboxing a brand new unit in 1959.

Pultec MEQ-5

In our obsessive quest to reproduce every nuance of the Pultec Midrange Equalizer we had a worthy partner Steve Jackson of Pulse Techniques the current manufacturer of new Pultec hardware. After careful analysis of several vintage and new Pultec MEQ-5 units Apogee chose to model our plugin after one of Steves new units it was like unboxing a brand new unit in 1959.


  • Pultec EQP-1A
  • Pultec MEQ-5


Platform CPU RAM Disk Notes Additional Requirement Audio Card Ports Internet Required 32 Bit Support 64 Bit Support Plugins
mac 4 0 0 0 0 VST-2AUAAX
windows 4 0 0 0 0 VST-2AAX


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