Engineers frequently prefer to have more than one microphone on a drum, vocal or other instrument…two angles, maybe even two different mic types. Sometimes, one source may not be enough to accomplish the sound. If the amp the guitar played that great solo through turned out to be a bit too shrill or not distorted enough, you can enhance a second track of that same performance to balance it out. You may want to connect an electric instrument directly to the board and put a mic on the amp it comes out of as well, but those two sources could actually have different timing which collides when you hear it. That’s called being “out of phase,” not sychronized with eachother.
Another Triumph of Analog over Digital
Combining two sources or one mic with another can also create two sources that are out of phase. This makes it impossible to layer them together in the mix, unless you have something to adjust them back into synch. There are digital devices that accomplish this using sampling and moving it step-by-step, adding artificialty to the sound… but then there is the Phazer.
Not only does the Phazer align those two sounds, but its completely analog design enhances the original purity of the signal, adding character to the sound like a good channel strip would. The Phazer uses the actual sound, rather than a re-creation.
Keeping it Real
Radial Engineering takes pride in the fact that the Phazer accomplishes it’s synchronizing task without digitally duplicating it before it’s moved, but by carefully using its function of moving the original, warm-sounding analog sound. The Phazer is so true to it’s purpose, the process actually adds more character to the sound, avoiding the harshness created by digital phase-synching devices. In fact, the process is so effective, the Phazer can be adjusted to easily accomplish some very creative phasing effects.
Encased in a simple, rock-solid unit of 14-gauge steel that’s made to stand up to abuse in the real world, it offers features to cover any scenario.
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